Year: 2021


SH Chapter 26

Here’s Chapter 26 of Silent Hearts, the final chapter available for preview!

Please purchase the novel at Via Lactea, where you’ll be able to read the fully edited official translation, which will come with the author’s handwritten signature if you confirm your order within the first hour, along with many cute freebies!


(P.S. Yes! The book is finally about to be available for pre-order! This is part of the reason why there has been such a huge lack of updates from me, as I’ve been spending all my free time on this. Coming up next after this is Salad Days, so keep an eye out for official news regarding that!)


AWM Chapter 63

Here is Chapter 63 of AWM: PUBG!


Hello! Pls feel free to flag any mistakes/questions, esp re: consistency of terms! We (translator: wei, editor: smilingonline) are aiming for biweekly updates; the exact day of the week might be in flux until we find a schedule that works for us. Hope you enjoy 🙂