Day: May 16, 2019

Handful of Snow (Teaser Chapter)

This is just a little teaser I did for this novel haha.

It’s actually very interesting and it’s written in second POV, which is so rare. I think this is my first time encountering it in danmei novels. It did take me some time to get used to the style, but it was a pleasant read nonetheless.

If anyone is interested to pick it up, please drop us an email using the online form!

Thank you and hope you enjoy this short tease!

Edited by zhuxingqi!

You can read it here.

Oh and don’t forget to join the BttC giveaway here! It’s ok if you haven’t read it, you can always do it now. 😡


WTA Chapter 1

*Cough* Yes it’s another grovelling novel. This time with an older bottom and a younger top!

There’s also no fixed schedule for this one, just a chapter release of at least once a month.

Stay here for more dogblood and scum tops!

Here’s Chapter 1 of Winner Takes All!


P.S. I don’t know how you haven’t heard it, but we have a BTTC giveaway HERE!

TSNLT Chapter 8

*dies of laughter* I love the MC’s thought processes, and that monologue from Wen Muyan…

Here’s the next chapter of The Script Is Not Like This!


P.S. If you haven’t heard, we have a Breaking Through The Clouds giveaway going on at the moment! Do check this link out for details on how to participate! It’s FREEEE~~~

POBE Chapter 40

Lol Renzi! Promising himself to anyone and everyone! Imagine if this was a novel in which all his exes came back to collect their debts…

Here’s Chapter 40 of A President’s Out-of-Body Experience!


P.S. We have a BTTC giveaway going on HERE!