Day: January 7, 2019

I Ship My Adversary X Me (ISMM) Chapter 1 – 2

I know we shouldn’t but we just can’t resist digging more holes. 😂

It all started when I showed Moe a chapter I had translated for fun and it just sorta went….crazy from there.

So we decided to collaborate on the novel together. It’s a BL entertainment circle novel that’s full of fun!! It’s very enjoyable and hilarious.

This novel is brought to you by me, Moe and Isalee (our amazing editor). It’s sorta a tough novel to translate cause there’s so many memes and jokes but we will try our best!

Title: I Ship My Adversary x Me (我嗑了对家x我的cp)

Author: PEPA

Status: Completed with 47 Chapters + 1 Extra


A very sweet entertainment circle novel about a closeted gong x fudanshi shou.

And get overloaded with sugar everyday!

CP: Gu Yiliang x Wei Yanzi

You can read the first two chapters here!!!

Also, updates for BttC and SW will be here soon! I am still waiting for the editors to finish looking through them so please bear a little longer! 🙂